8720 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23235

No matter how diligently you exercise and diet, you may find your efforts do nothing to get rid of excess bulges of fat and sagging skin around your upper and middle back.

A bra-line back lift is a type of cosmetic procedure that addresses these concerns. The surgery was named for its goal of contouring and firming the upper back, exactly where a woman’s bra line normally crosses.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Bra-Line Back Lift?
Don’t let the name fool you: The bra-line back lift procedure is not a surgery exclusively for female patients. Men can also benefit from the treatment. Generally, anyone who struggles with fat or loose skin in the upper-middle back area is a good candidate for this surgical technique. Women do have a slight benefit over men, in that they can use their bra to conceal their surgical scar.

While dramatic weight fluctuations can affect the amount of fat on your upper and middle back, the sagging skin caused by aging is also associated with this problem. Excess skin and fat on the back often resist diet and exercise. A bra-line back lift is an ideal remedy for this issue, because it will do the following:

● Eliminate visible fat rolls and unattractive bulges in the upper mid-back area
● Remove excess tissue on the upper and middle back
● Result in a tighter, smoother and more contoured back profile

Preparing for Bra-Line Back Lift Surgery
The first step in your bra-line back lift procedure will be to have a one-on-one meeting with Dr. Lynam, during which you can discuss expectations, ask questions and get a detailed explanation of what the procedure entails, including pre- and post-operative instructions. To avoid complications, those who smoke must quit for at least a month before the date of surgery. Dr. Lynam may ask you to stop taking certain medications or dietary supplements, as well.

For the procedure, you will be under general anesthesia. During surgery, Dr. Lynam will make an incision across the target area to remove excess skin, then reconnect it in a tighter fashion. The entire process usually takes between an hour to an hour and a half.

Recovering From a Bra-Line Back Lift
Bra-line back lift surgery is an outpatient procedure. After a brief onsite recovery period, we will send you home under the care of a family member or trusted friend. Dr. Lynam will prescribe you medication to help manage pain or discomfort as you heal.

The recovery time for a back lift is approximately 7 to 10 days. During this time, you may feel more fatigued than usual, so make sure you listen to your body and rest when you need to.

While you recover, you will need to refrain from strenuous activity and exercise that could cause setbacks in your healing process. In addition, wearing a bra or any type of support is not permitted. After the two-week period, we suggest wearing a loose-fitting, breathable bra for up to a month. Do not shower or bathe for at least one day after surgery.

You will experience bruising, swelling and tenderness around the incision site, all of which will subside as you heal. You can use ice packs to help minimize the swelling.

Bra-Line Back Lift Risks and Side Effects
As with any surgery, there are some risks associated with a back lift, but under the care of Dr. Lynam, those risks should be minimal, especially if you follow your post-op instructions carefully.

The biggest risks include infection and bleeding. If you develop a fever, or the area around your incision feels warm to the touch, contact our office immediately. Patients who smoke, or who have pre-existing health concerns such as diabetes, are at higher risk for developing blood clots.

Bra-Line Back Lift Cost
Common factors that impact the price tag of cosmetic surgery include the cost of living where the surgery is taking place, the complexity of the procedure, medications and anesthetist fees. Since most insurance companies classify cosmetic procedures such as a back lift to be elective surgery, they will usually not cover it. Please schedule a consultation to get a quote on this procedure.

Bra-Line Back Lift FAQs

Q: Can I get a bra-line back lift in combination with another cosmetic procedure?
A: In general, most patients who are in good overall health can combine procedures such as a back lift or tummy tuck to save money and minimize healing time. Ask Dr. Lynam if you are a good candidate for any surgical procedures you are considering.

Q: Will I have scars?
A: Though Dr. Lynam will do his best to make the incision as small and inconspicuous as possible, you will most likely have scarring that will fade as the years go by. For our female back lift patients, the scars from your procedure will be invisible while you are wearing a bra or bathing suit, since the incision will follow along the same line as your bra.

Q: When can I expect to see results?
A: Though every patient heals differently, most people will be able to enjoy results within six months to a year of getting their back lift surgery.

Q: How long do the results of a back lift last?
A: The back lift procedure provides long-lasting results. Fatty tissue on the back can recur, but if so, the amount should be considerably less than what you had before your surgery. The best way to maintain your results is to keep your weight consistent by following a diet and exercise regimen.

Contact Richmond Surgical Arts for Your Back Lift Consultation
Even though the bra-line back lift procedure has generated positive media buzz over the years, there still are not many cosmetic practices that specialize in this surgery. That’s why Richmond Surgical Arts is pleased to be able to offer our patients the option to improve their self-esteem with this technique.

If you’re considering a bra-line back lift, schedule a consultation with us so board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lynam can evaluate whether or not you would be a good candidate, and suggest any additional surgical or non-surgical procedures that may provide you with even better results.

Dr. Gregory T. Lynam

Dr. Gregory T. Lynam is Richmond's only board-certified plastic and maxillofacial surgeon. He has helped numerous people within the community tumor surgeries, breast reconstructions, and facial trauma surgeries.

Dr. Lynam was voted one of Richmond's "Top Docs" in plastic surgery and one of Richmond's "Best Plastic Surgeons to take you back 20 years" by Richmond Magazine in 2010. Additionally, he is known as an expert plastic surgeon on RealSelf and was honored as one of the Top 100 Doctors on RealSelf in 2013.

To know more about Dr. Lynam -- Click Here

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